Tuesday Oct 8,2024 The PIEDMONT DIVISION of the NMRA will be hosting a photo contest.. Please see in the rules sheet the details for submitting photos and how the contest will be managed. Please plan to come and get your entries entered. We will have a business meeting and allow for members to look at all the entries during the evening. Winners will be announced at the end of the evening .
Bring & Brag-Please bring your favorite high hood locomotives any scale to the meeting . Please share your story about your loco. Looking forward to a wide variety of locomotives.
The Meeting will start and 7pm and we plan be out there by 9pm. We are looking forward to many entries. Check your categories. There are many chances to win. You can't win if you do not enter.
Start Date
October 8, 2024
End Date
October 8, 2024
Event Time
Board Meeting at 6PM, General Meeting & Photo Contest 7PM-9PM
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