Welcome! The Mid-South Division is located in the Northern tier of Alabama counties between Mississippi and Georgia, with the Southeastern corner dipping down to Gadsden, AL and the Northern border extending up to Fayetteville, TN. There are approximately 40 members spread throughout the Division, with most of the members living in the Huntsville area.
Website: http://midsouthnmra.org/
The division meets the first Saturday of each month at the Decatur Depot. The meetings begin at 9:30A.M. We usually have a short business meeting followed by a clinic of general interest to the membership and an operating session on the Decatur Union Depot layout.
Upcoming Clinics
Oct 5th: Andy Smith – A presentation of the specialized tools, materials, and techniques used to repair, maintain the engines, rolling stock, and layouts of the Historic Decatur Depot and Museum.
Nov 2nd: Bill Eberle – The railroads of Switzerland. (If he comes back!)
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