Our next division meeting is February 11, 2022, at St. Paul’s Church in Aiken SC. The meeting focus on clinics and Q&A. Contact Andy Chandler at andy.chandler71@gmail.com.
Welcome to the Central Savannah River Division. We are the 9th Division of the Southeast Region of the National Model Railroad Association.
The division is centered on the Augusta, GA and Aiken, SC area. There are 20 to 25 members in the division. Besides the Aiken and Augusta area, members also reside in Garfield, Metter, Montrose and Statesboro GA, along with McCormick SC.
New Pictures Posted in Photo Gallery
Here are pictures of our recent Div 9 meet held with the Palmetto Division. We visited a ride behind model railroad and a very nice layout that effectively blended the Reading and Southern together. In June, we visited Sandy Eustis’ beautiful On30 Maine narrow guage layout, then on to operate the Central Railroad Museum’s layout in Central SC.
Division Events
Meeting minutes from the annual business meeting are posted under “Division Documents”.
Our next division meeting is February 11, 2022, at St. Paul’s Church in Aiken SC. Contact Andy Chandler at andy.chandler71@gmail.com.
Division Superintendent: Andy Chandler
Assistant Superintendent: Position is Open
Treasurer: Rich Olsen
Secreatary. Position is Open.
Local Model Railroad Website
Burnt Hills and Big Flats N Scale Model Railroad
Operating Sessions
Operating sessions are held approximately every other Tuesday on Steve Prevette’s “Burnt Hills and Big Flats” layout. See the BH&BF website (above) for operations schedule.
Volunteers are always needed. If you are interested in your division conducting an activity, please step forward and volunteer to help out. We have lots of possibilities – minimeets, road trips, layout visits, joint efforts with other divisions and groups. But it will only happen if someone volunteers. Contact Steve, Rich, or Andy (see officers list) to volunteer or for further information.
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©2024 Copyright Southeastern Region of the National Model Railroad Association
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