Achievement Program

The Achievement Program (AP) is the NMRA’s educational program to help you learn the crafts and skills necessary in the hobby of model railroading. The AP challenges you with a set of requirements for demonstrating a superior level of skill in various aspects of our hobby. With the completion of each category, you are issued a certificate acknowledging your achievement.

If you have questions about the Achievement Program or want to start on your first certificate, contact our SER AP Manager.

Information about the Achievement Program, including requirements for each certificate, is available from the NMRA web site. Don’t forget your fellow division members who have completed, or are working towards, a certificate. They are great resources. See below for a list of members of the SER have achieved sufficient certificates to become an MMR.

The NMRA Achievement Program can help build your modeling experience.

More details are here NMRA Achievement program

(MMR number, name, Division)

48 Dr. Joseph J. Nichols, Sr. 5
78 A. M. Bennett 6
87 Al Westerfield ???
185 Larry E. Smith 2
192 Robert Beaty, Jr. 2
212 Charles Brown 5
297 Dean A Belowich 7
434 Benton Bartlett 15
466 Charlie Crawford 5
468 Bill Zawacki 5
471 Charles Millar 5
511 Joseph J. Nichols, Jr. 5
546 Joseph Norris 1
550 Howard Garner 7
556 Howard Goodwin 5
561 George Gilberts 11
571 Tom Brennison ???
575 John Travis 5
586 Charles Mason 5
594. Jerry Michnewicz 5
607 Brian Glock 5
628 Peter Banks 4
630 Albert Churella 5
652 William Raymond 15
655 Lawrence Burkholder 12

Achivement Program Tracking Information

This Microsoft Excel spreadsheet provides tracking information for the SER Achievement Program. View the attached file to see the current list.

General Contact

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